At a recent post on the Nigeria Village Square website, I saw an article called "letter to my son, age minus six months", and It thought to's a thought.....I have always wished If I could to be able to talk to my children unborn too...What would be the first thing I would tell them? well...her, since Im convinced that I shall first "bring forth a girl"?
Ok...anyway, here goes......
Ayinke mi, welcome....there must be a reason why God chose of all people, this woman for you to have come through, ....Did you peep over the clouds, chubby and gurgling innocent, given the option to pick from a couple of people who were walking about in the lagos sun, and you had gurgled..that one..? how did you decide to pick me? Is that how it went?
Ayinke, the reason why I talking to you today is that i have been thinking and im worried.
To contemplete what a huge responsibilty it will be to nurture your mind and attempt give you the first couple of pages of your beliefs, is a job that has been fazing me for quite a bit now.
what an enormous responsibility it shall be to raise you, to know your own mind.
It has become a harder world to live in, and not just becasue of wars and pestilences, the biggest problem for me as a citizen of the world pro-apoclaypse has been the ability to decide, once and for all, who I am, and what I stand for, and Im afraid Ayinke, that the way things are going, you might very well inherit, hooks and all, all the facets of my ambivalence...
i shall always bite my nails, with tears in my eyes, as i watch you walk the fine line, hesitant between bigotry and belief, turn back to me and ask....
" Mummy, If Im taught that homosexuality is a sin, how come its the only one that we are now saying the people dont have to judge? We dont leave it to God to judge stealing right?, or isnt it a sin?"
well the thing comes to a matter of self-will and choice, and besides, you know you have to keep this kind of argument only inside this house, right?It will remind me of my own the left, and then to the right......
"How come all the money being given by foreigners to African countries is not working?"
economics and dynamics, trade-pull power.....emmm...they will teach you in school"How come the Isrealites were allowed to kill their enemies in the bible, but complain when it is done to them?"
Isrealites killed enemies of GOD, remember that..they didnt do it for themselves, they possessed their lands because God told them to, grudgingly, they accepted..."How come the Pastor uses genocides in the bible to preach like it was good"
It was good then because God allowed it to happen, for the ones that he didnt sanction, there eventually has to be a signed global recognition and apology for... "
What does the pastor mean when he says that we should be end-time Isrealites? I thought we were yoruba, why would God choose only only race to be his people, how can we still be all His children?....
Ok, keep talking, and its going to be the back-seats of the church for you. young lady? How can I be a christian mummy and still belive that God allows pro-choice?"
Gasp....God does not allow pro-choice, he only allows choice.....the only people that are allowed to change their positions like that are christian politicians, never forget that point!"How can you give me contraceptives, and say you hope i will not use it outside marriage, and that Im not having sex yet?"
Im covering all angles, while hoping that you are covering EVERYTHING........and
"How can you tell me to abstain, when you didnt"
I see you have been reading mummy's high-school scrap book again...its not nice to pry into people's private stuff"Why do people say it not that simple, when I say that countries that produce a lot of food, should simple GIVE the surplus to others that dont have so much?"
It makes it easier for them to sleep at night"Is it true that you are supposed to love me no matter what"
yes....thats the general job description, but you'll be a dear and make my job less difficult wont you? there's a dearP.S: If you have any inside information on who your father will be , could you be so kind to send me an UNEQUIVOCAL sign when I meet him, ...thank you dear...