I have to talk about the art exhibtion I went to on saturday.
Lets take this same saturday to be the first day that I started this blog. ...........garrghh!!!!!
I had wanted not to make any big deal about starting it my blog finaaaaally...hence you might notice the first post did not have any introductory knowing-me-knowing-you's ,
Didnt want to jinx anything by drawing attention to THE BEGINNING.....anyways, much too late now.....
This exhibition being my first deliberate attempts at experiencing the metropolitan angle of the art scene, I blackmailed my poor cousin out of her obviously stretched-to-the-limit schedule to "take me out for fun" or else........
so she found this art show, whose only appeal at the time was the half price fee for students....It sounded better than nothing, so we bundled up and went.
Now there are two things I hate:
1. I hate walking fast
2. I hate the cold
naturally, I should hate walking fast in the cold.....which I did...possibly twice as much as the vector of the two combined.
when we got to the place, the scowl on my face was geniuine, but I suppose it rivalled the one on the faces of the various artists that had already littered the place...probably theirs was just the pained effort of having to inhabit the same atmosphere with other beings that didn't quite "grasp the underpinings of the subliminal message" who didnt know, much less know how "to challenge the status quo in neo-modernism" etc. etc.....
Once upon a time, i thought the tortured souls and dark circles under the eyes of any creative artist to be the sexiest thing in the world....(perhaps part of me still does)...but im a grown girl now...."the world does not understand me" is no longer a pick up line that would work on me...
No, no, Van-gogh,......aint buying, Lord Byron.....
The exhibtion proper? If you imagine that New York is one of the most cutting edge cities in the world, and this exhibtion advertised New Art, you can only imagine how avant garde the combination be.....now take that your imgination, and multiply it by two, and you are nearing what was presented at THE ARMORY SHOW.
First of all, it was HUGE......there was art in its various forms, photography, audio-visual medium, painting, scupture, collage, and some mediums that most of us could not describe...to a dishevelled white female mannequin wearing a battered european work-house dress of the great depression, also singing some kind deep-south blues, you wonder to yourself....so what is on display here? the mannequinn? Le dress? , blues music, or even the depression itself?
The trick is to make you wonder I suppose........
Nudity, naturally was also top dollar, with the ubiquitous female form having some stiff( no pun intended, I swear) competiton from the male bodies......
Politics was popular too...there was an interesting collage made up of quite a bit of the flags of the world...I dont want to bet that ALL the flags were there.....and what was suprisingly brought to the fore, is that GREEN occcurs quite a bit in the colour schemes of most the world's flags......hmmm....Unity or a brewing conspiracy theory? hmmmm...you can see that picture here.
It gets to you after a while I tell you, your brain buzzes, and then practically shuts down with the overload of action of the AMORY SHOW, it was certainly an intense stimulation of sensory neurones...
Just when I was about turn around and re-boot my RAM at home, I caught sight of them.....actually him first......in a photograph by VANESSA BEECROFT.....six-feet plus, carrying a naked baby, with a skin color so dark he was nearly navy blue, he looked like Midnight come alive.......and right next to him, but juxtaposed in context, was the most pristine looking caucasian woman I have ever seen, in pink, holding a clutch of delicate flowers, in mortal trepidation of....something sha...(see the picture in the upload, Im sorry Im a bad photographer, I shall improve...or get a better picture link, so you can understand me....).
There was something absolutely shocking in that picture, in a way that is indescribable as simply good or bad......I was stuck..for several seconds....literarily frozen to the spot where I stood, with my jaw unhinged....
This in fact caused an absolutely gorgeous fair-skinned woman to walk up to me, and ask me what I thought about the picture?...... what immediately struck me about it?
No, she wasnt the artist, but she worked on the project, it was shot in Sudan see, and there were several more from the collection (I have uploaded those ones too)....
Her name is Lehni Lamide Davies, and it turns out that she is Nigerian, like me, part Lagosian, like me....and quite intelligent and radical....well, you get the picture...
I shall save the story of Lamide my new friend for another day...., and leave you with pictures from AMORY for now.......
*All works the copyright of Vannessa Beecroft, and of the various artists whose names I dont know.....
Lets take this same saturday to be the first day that I started this blog. ...........garrghh!!!!!
I had wanted not to make any big deal about starting it my blog finaaaaally...hence you might notice the first post did not have any introductory knowing-me-knowing-you's ,
Didnt want to jinx anything by drawing attention to THE BEGINNING.....anyways, much too late now.....
This exhibition being my first deliberate attempts at experiencing the metropolitan angle of the art scene, I blackmailed my poor cousin out of her obviously stretched-to-the-limit schedule to "take me out for fun" or else........
so she found this art show, whose only appeal at the time was the half price fee for students....It sounded better than nothing, so we bundled up and went.
Now there are two things I hate:
1. I hate walking fast
2. I hate the cold
naturally, I should hate walking fast in the cold.....which I did...possibly twice as much as the vector of the two combined.
when we got to the place, the scowl on my face was geniuine, but I suppose it rivalled the one on the faces of the various artists that had already littered the place...probably theirs was just the pained effort of having to inhabit the same atmosphere with other beings that didn't quite "grasp the underpinings of the subliminal message" who didnt know, much less know how "to challenge the status quo in neo-modernism" etc. etc.....
Once upon a time, i thought the tortured souls and dark circles under the eyes of any creative artist to be the sexiest thing in the world....(perhaps part of me still does)...but im a grown girl now...."the world does not understand me" is no longer a pick up line that would work on me...
No, no, Van-gogh,......aint buying, Lord Byron.....
The exhibtion proper? If you imagine that New York is one of the most cutting edge cities in the world, and this exhibtion advertised New Art, you can only imagine how avant garde the combination be.....now take that your imgination, and multiply it by two, and you are nearing what was presented at THE ARMORY SHOW.
First of all, it was HUGE......there was art in its various forms, photography, audio-visual medium, painting, scupture, collage, and some mediums that most of us could not describe...to a dishevelled white female mannequin wearing a battered european work-house dress of the great depression, also singing some kind deep-south blues, you wonder to yourself....so what is on display here? the mannequinn? Le dress? , blues music, or even the depression itself?
The trick is to make you wonder I suppose........
Nudity, naturally was also top dollar, with the ubiquitous female form having some stiff( no pun intended, I swear) competiton from the male bodies......
Politics was popular too...there was an interesting collage made up of quite a bit of the flags of the world...I dont want to bet that ALL the flags were there.....and what was suprisingly brought to the fore, is that GREEN occcurs quite a bit in the colour schemes of most the world's flags......hmmm....Unity or a brewing conspiracy theory? hmmmm...you can see that picture here.
It gets to you after a while I tell you, your brain buzzes, and then practically shuts down with the overload of action of the AMORY SHOW, it was certainly an intense stimulation of sensory neurones...
Just when I was about turn around and re-boot my RAM at home, I caught sight of them.....actually him first......in a photograph by VANESSA BEECROFT.....six-feet plus, carrying a naked baby, with a skin color so dark he was nearly navy blue, he looked like Midnight come alive.......and right next to him, but juxtaposed in context, was the most pristine looking caucasian woman I have ever seen, in pink, holding a clutch of delicate flowers, in mortal trepidation of....something sha...(see the picture in the upload, Im sorry Im a bad photographer, I shall improve...or get a better picture link, so you can understand me....).
There was something absolutely shocking in that picture, in a way that is indescribable as simply good or bad......I was stuck..for several seconds....literarily frozen to the spot where I stood, with my jaw unhinged....
This in fact caused an absolutely gorgeous fair-skinned woman to walk up to me, and ask me what I thought about the picture?...... what immediately struck me about it?
No, she wasnt the artist, but she worked on the project, it was shot in Sudan see, and there were several more from the collection (I have uploaded those ones too)....
Her name is Lehni Lamide Davies, and it turns out that she is Nigerian, like me, part Lagosian, like me....and quite intelligent and radical....well, you get the picture...
I shall save the story of Lamide my new friend for another day...., and leave you with pictures from AMORY for now.......
*All works the copyright of Vannessa Beecroft, and of the various artists whose names I dont know.....